6 Golden Rules For Product Package Designing That Make The Product Hot Seller!

6 Golden Rules For Product Package Designing That Make The Product Hot Seller!

Did it ever happened to you while shopping, you picked up a bottle of vinegar or cream which you don’t need for that time? You , me and many people must have faced the same thing. Most of the time we buy such things due to the attractive packaging of the product.

That’s the right way, a well designed product packaging should work!

After research, product finalizing, manufacturing, the next big step is to present the product to people. As consumers, we don’t understand the magic of packaging that is reflected in our purchase decision. A well designed product packaging apart from being attractive should be highly informative as well. It should contain all the information about the product, its usage, expire, manufacturing etc. A good product packaging should intrigue customers. In short, a good product packaging is an investment done on the product and the brand to let it reach greater heights.

Now you must be thinking, what makes a good product packaging design?

Let us dive into the nuances of making good product packaging design

  • Clarity and simplicity

Designers from best product packaging design services suggest that clarity and simplicity is the key for an attractive product packaging. The information show in good product packaging should be in “need to know” basis. Extra complication and jargon can distract but not attract to customers. It is very commonly seen that while designing the product page, designers do not maintain the product specifications. Such as having dozen of product benefit with no brand name, some may look attractive but cannot explain what is inside the bottle, some packaging are done that dilutes the identity of the product.

Customers should always be clear about the product and the brand. The design should simply tell people about the product offered in a creative format.

  1. Honesty

Often it is observed that designers depict products much beautiful and different in their package designing. Depicting the product ten times more attractive and different in packaging may attract customers in the first place but then the brand will lose trust. This kind of activity is misleading and disappointing.  Customers usually never feel about the simple packaging until they know what they are buying. A good product packaging designer should honestly depict the product beautiful but without cheating the customer

  1. Authenticity

The key to success in product designing is originality, character, memorability. The competition within product market is no less! Everyday hundreds of product hits the marketplace. To keep your product ahead in competition would require to stand unique and authentic at the same time.

The authenticity cannot be measured in a design. It is the creative exploration of the designer in its design. If your stuck with a very generalized packaging design then adding some uncommon strong visual design can always work. According to experts from best product labelling services, it important to be bold, different and look for other related products for taking inspiration in designing packaging and label design of the product.

  1. Shelf impact

Products are not typically placed alone. They are arranged in series with several other similar and different product. A product that looks different within running vertical and horizontal rows is the winner. This distinctive look and appeal of the product when placed on an actual shelf, is called shelf impact in retailers term. Shelf impact is a significant factor for testing the packaging design of the product. One can place the product with several other product and test its design. The more it distinguishes with others, the better.

  1. Extensibility

A good product packaging should be easily extendable. This means the design should be such that it best fits with introduction of new product range or sub brand.

For example, if you are designing for new brand of apple jam and you design feature some apple related concept, however, a few month later client want to start a pineapple jam range under the same brand.This seems clear that apple jam design will not look apt for pineapple jam concept, hence your design lack extensibility.

A good product packaging should always extensible. Your design can have room for easy changes of product visuals or other informations.

  1. Practicality

Practicality is the most underrated concept in designing as most of the marketer believe to follow same path of their competitors. Practically deals with actual shape, size and functionality of product container. The more practical the product container is, more is the sale.

While designing the product container make sure to keep practical usage in mind and how the usage of product can made easy.


Packaging designing is a demanding and huge field which is looking for creative designers who can deliver both product originality and sales performance. Packaging is the last phase in convincing the customers to buy the product. Clarity, simplicity, honesty, practicality etc are components that can convey customers in more attractive way and increase sale performance.

More info: https://goo.gl/nDHr1Q

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One thought on “6 Golden Rules For Product Package Designing That Make The Product Hot Seller!

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