Tips to Plan Creative Logo Designing Ideas in 2023

Tips to Plan Creative Logo Designing Ideas in 2023

Well, if you are thinking that there’s a pure formula to generate the top-notch logo design idea then it’s a Big NO. We must say unfortunately there is no simple formula to make it happen.

But in this article, we are giving some tips which you follow to become more creative and make new logo designs. We have met the best logo designer and understand how they work and what makes them more creative. They have suggested to us the below-mentioned points which they use for making their mind more creative.

But before reading the points you need to understand what makes a great logo design

What makes a great logo?

If we talk about the great logo there is no great rule to make it. As Paul Rand, the American art director once said, “a logo’s primary goal is to identify… to say who the company is, and that’s its only function”.

Understand more about the A Brief History Of Logo! 

Although there are no rules which exist for this there are numerous proven guidelines that can be learned from the great and famous graphic designers of the past. We are saying this because we can understand which designs are still working in today’s time after 50-60 years of use.

When you look at the designs you can see principles that applied to all of them that have stood the test of time, these are ….

–>> Unforgettable/ Memorable

–>> Simple/ Unmixed

–>> Multifaceted/ Versatile

–>> Timeless Designs

–>> Proper/ Appropriate

Let’s understand the above-mentioned points and what they mean…..

  • Unforgettable/ Memorable

It was well said that simplicity always wins the heart therefore, memorability is achieved via simplicity, as usually, people only remember simple shapes faster as compared to complicated ones. Hence a logo is likely to be made as it can be used on everything which a business does.

Therefore it is important to create the logo simply so that people can remember it. Colors and emotions also play a vital role in recognizing and identifying anything.

It is proven by Brazilian graphic designer “Paula Rupolo” in an experiment stated, “Colours are the first thing you notice in a logo, what gets fastest to our brains,” she says. “Then you read a logo’s shape, icons, or typography.”

To become memorable, the supporting brand and logo identity needs to be different from its competitors, so during the making, it is important to do the research. It’s a valuable exercise to keep up a visual record of the identities to reference and competitor’s logos for your designs against the later date.

  • Simple/ Unmixed

At the time of the test the logos which stood are those which are simple – you can take the example of the logos for Apple, Nike, McDonald’s, and IBM as proof of this. Also, we have seen that designs that were complex to understand at the beginning of the business have been simplified over time which helps in increasing recognition.

Paul Rand, one of the greatest American art directors has commented in his book i.e. “Design Form and Chaos”, that “A design that is complex, fussy, or obscure harbors a self-destructive mechanism. No amount of literal illustration will do what most people imagine it will do. This will only make identification more difficult and the “message” more obscure.

  • Multifaceted/ Versatile

A logo will be made which can be used on anything from a little button to a large building. This means that the logo you design should work effectively with anything from the smallest to the largest anything.

Also, a logo needs to work with any range of scenarios which may include different background colors and even styles. This suggests that the logo should need work effectively in a single color (including both white and black) to a full or multicolor.

Also, the logo will ideally be allowed for different types of configurations and layouts to ensure it will look its best, no matter where and in which way it’s been used.

  • Timeless Design

If you are searching for an effective logo design then must consider that a good logo should stand the test of time. So, it’s better to avoid using and following trends as they might look good this day but they last quickly.

Avoid using trends. They might look great today, but they date quickly. As David Airey, an Irish graphic designer and the author of “Logo Design Love: A Guide to Creating Iconic Brand Identities” make a good point in his comment:

“Leave trends to the fashion industry – Trends come and go, and when you’re talking about changing a pair of jeans or buying a new dress, that’s fine, but where your brand identity is concerned, longevity is key. Don’t follow the pack. Stand out.”

  • Proper/ Appropriate

So, we understand that a logo should be suitable for the intended audience of a business. You can understand it with an example. Suppose you aim to target children, then you might use a bold typeface or a bouncy face shape.

On the other hand, if you are creating a logo for a company then it will not go up with the firm’s logo as creating a childish logo is not the best logo to go for.

So from the above, we understand what makes great logos, now let’s take a look at how we can use the above-mentioned points in developing logo design ideas….

  • Discover the right Path

As the logo designers have told us about the designing process we have learned that as part of the design process you need to ‘discover’ the solution that’s most relevant for that business … Something that has the right aesthetic and right ‘feels’ for such business.

  • Clear Objective

It is difficult to come up with new ideas without a clear roadmap of where you’re heading, so before coming up with any of the ideas everyone needs to create a logo design brief. So, that you can clearly understand the business, audience as well as competition.

  • A helpful idea exercise

Another point that we want to share here is “exercising the thoughts”. As the logo designing experts told us about the thought exercise which they carry out before working on any logos idea we find it immensely helpful, so here is what they share with us…

They told us Whatever a person’s picture will be drawn from their personal experiences. It may include anything that movies and tv shows you watch, where you travel, where you eat, and what you read. All contribute to a mental toolbox of visual associations and philosophy that you will draw from.

So, it is important to experience all the wonders of life…

  • Emotional state board

For creating an emotion state board, you should pull together the images that have the right ‘feel’ for the company, then you have to paste them all into a large PowerPoint or keynote document, whatever is easiest for you to select. After that pull designs, fonts and images all together.

You can take the help of  Pinterest, magazines, books, Google, Dribbble, Behance, etc… Finally, only focus on what is appropriate and what “feels” right, and don’t worry about the ideas at this point.

  • Sketching Ideas

So, from the above, you have got some clarity on the direction in which you want to take the design. The experts told us that some designers prefer directly making on the blank sheet which they say wouldn’t work with them; they prefer to go with the paper for idea generation.

Starting with a blank piece of paper can be daunting! so they carry out a few exercises which carry out their creativity from them.

  • Image Mapping

Picture mapping is the most effective way to draw a logo. The expert suggests that instead of drawing pictures one should start by drawing different symbols, icons, or even shapes.

  • Word Mapping

It is an amazing technique that will help you in thinking outside of the box. For this, all you have to do is write down the word which can relate to the business for which you are creating the logo.

So, write it down in the middle of the paper circle and highlight the word so that you will always remember what is important in it.

Draw the extended lines attached for the word, and attach as many words as you can which is related to the same word you had highlighted before. You can also use a thesaurus in case that is needed!

Do the same with the words which may relate to the same, and do it until you find it fine. It can be related to the company’s name, slogan, and tagline, even the type of services or the products they offer to their customer, etc…

And when you get the budget for the same you will find those words which can provide you guidance same after that you can highlight those words which will make you feel worthy enough to be used for the logo design.

  • Draw Everything

Well, drawing is the best way to find out what you need, as nobody will see what you are drawing. It’s the simplest way to get the ideas done and take them out of your mind even if you are drawing rubbish it will go beast!

As experts told us that “the thing which appears to be rubbish or waste, in the beginning, will result in the potential as well as the best idea which came out from your mind, so it is better to develop those ideas on paper. So, don’t sit and start drawing”


In the end, you may come up drawing hundreds of ideas, but it was suggested to keep going until you get a handful of ideas that may have real potential for further development.

Do not stop, just keep doing it, and draw as much as you can. Finally, you will end up getting your best logo in front of you. You don’t need to draw a perfect picture in the beginning just draw what you can.

So, our final words for this is that no matter how you draw and what you are drawing. It will always come up as a superb logo design in the end.

Just don’t give up and don’t get stressed up, if you feel confused then take some rest. Go for a walk, play some games, even talk with your friends and then again continue your work.

Even if you feel sleepy, then take some rest, and you will find something imaginative for drawing. Always carry a small drawing book in your pocket so in case you find something creative you can draw it on the same.

Ideas can come from any source from worthy to trash everything can work for you, so, don’t give up, and always trust yourself!

VerveBranding can be your one-stop solution for branding and designing because we have market experience and a team of experts who, over the years, have worked on many major and minor projects for all types of industries. We provide designing and branding services at the most affordable price. For services related to mobile app development or web development and online marketing services, check out our subsidiaries, VerveLogic and VerveOnlineMarketing.

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